On-Demand CME

The Chapter is delighted to offer its members enduring materials modules to earn Continuing Medical Education from the convenience of your own home and pace.  The following module was created in response to Chapter initiatives to educate Alabama pediatricians further on oral health risk assessment:  

2021 Annual Meeting Enduring Materials

The Alabama Chapter-American Academy of Pediatrics is pleased to offer its 2021 Annual Meeting & Fall Pediatric Update as an on-demand, CME-approved "enduring materials" module for download/education of our members who were not able to attend the live, in-person meeting. Pediatric healthcare providers can purchase the Annual Meeting, the Practice Management Workshop or both (special bundle price) (see #1 at bottom). Click here to begin—>

2021 Spring Meeting Enduring Materials

The Alabama Chapter-American Academy of Pediatrics is pleased to offer its 2021 Spring Meeting & Pediatric Update as an on-demand, CME-approved "enduring materials" module for download/education of our members who were not able to attend the live, in-person meeting. Pediatric healthcare providers can purchase the entire “course” or select specific sessions (see #1 at bottom). Click here to begin—>


Oral Health Risk Assessment

Faculty:  Richard Simpson, DMD; Grant Allen, MD, FAAP; Nola Ernest, MD, FAAP

With a strategic goal of increasing the number of pediatricians who are billing for oral health risk assessment and fluoride varnish application, the Alabama Chapter-AAP is pleased to offer its 1st Look/Oral Health Risk Assessment Training as an on-demand, CME-approved "enduring materials" module for 1st Look certification by the Alabama Medicaid Agency and Alabama's Children's Health Insurance Program (ALL Kids). 

Visit the oral health risk assessment module page here for full details on how to access the 1st Look training module, take the post-test on the material you reviewed, and access the CME activity evaluation. The module has an introduction, learning objectives, and speaker’s disclosure.

In addition, the module page includes Alabama-specific resources.  The Alabama Chapter-AAP also has a Fluoride Varnish Manufacturers List (click here to access), and the American Academy of Pediatrics houses many resources on their Oral Health page.  Click here to access their Oral Health Practice Tools.